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Feed Format

This page details the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format of a webЯcade feed along with a fully-formed concrete example.


The dimensions of thumbnail images referenced in the feed must be 400x300 or they may not be displayed (a proxy server is used in an attempt to dynamically resize non-conformant images, but is not guaranteed to work). This restriction may be removed in the future.

Feed Object

The feed (root) object of a webЯcade feed includes high-level information about the feed, including a title, an optional description, and optional images. The feed object also includes a list of categories contained in the feed.


The table below contains the properties available for the feed object.

Property Type Required Details
title String Yes A title for the feed.
longTitle String No A long title for the feed (will be used in locations with additional room for display).
categories Array of Category objects Yes An array containing the categories associated with the feed (see Category object).

The order that the categories appear in the array is identical to the order they will be presented in the webЯcade player (they are not sorted).

A feed must contain at least one category.
description String No A description of the feed.
thumbnail URL No The location (URL) of a thumbnail image for the feed.

The dimensions of the image must be 400x300 or it may not be displayed.
background URL No The location (URL) of a background image for the feed.
props Type-specific properties No Type-specific application properties that are global within the feed. For example, the Atari Lynx Boot ROM and Neo Geo BIOS are specified within this set of properties.


The following is an example of a simple webЯcade feed with the feed object properties highlighted.

  "title": "Example Feed",
  "longTitle": "WebЯcade Example Feed",
  "description": "A simple example feed that demonstrates the use of optional properties, multiple categories, and multiple games.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "background": "",
  "categories": [
      "title": "Shooters",
      "longTitle": "Shooter Games",
      "description": "A \"shoot 'em up\", also known as a \"shmup\" or \"STG\" (the common Japanese abbreviation for \"shooting games\"), is a game in which the protagonist combats a large number of enemies by shooting at them while dodging their fire.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Astro Force",
          "type": "sms",
          "description": "Astro Force is a nod to classic Shoot ’em ups from back in the day. Heavily inspired by Thunder force, RSG, Aleste, Gaiares, MSX Nemesis, and R-Type. Astro Force features 6 stages, 30+ enemy types, and 11 bosses.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""

The following image depicts the highlighted feed object properties from the feed above displayed in the webЯcade player (Feeds view). The title, long title, description, thumbnail, and background images of the feed object are shown below.

Category Object

Category objects of a webЯcade feed provide a means of classifying items (games, etc.) into user-defined groups (by game type, console type, etc.). Category objects include a title, associated images, and the items (games, etc.) that are included in the category.

For a feed to be considered valid it must contain at least one category object.


The table below contains the properties available for category objects.

Property Type Required Details
title String Yes A title for the category.
longTitle String No A long title for the category (will be used in locations with additional room for display).
items Array of Item objects Yes An array containing the items associated with the category (see Item object).

The items will be sorted alphanumerically prior to being displayed in the webЯcade player.
description String No A description of the category.
thumbnail URL No The location (URL) of a thumbnail image for the category.

The dimensions of the image must be 400x300 or it may not be displayed.
background URL No The location (URL) of a background image for the category.


The following is an example of a simple webЯcade feed that includes a single category object whose properties are highlighted.

  "title": "Example Feed",
  "longTitle": "WebЯcade Example Feed",
  "description": "A simple example feed that demonstrates the use of optional properties, multiple categories, and multiple games.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "background": "",
  "categories": [
      "title": "Shooters",
      "longTitle": "Shooter Games",
      "description": "A \"shoot 'em up\", also known as a \"shmup\" or \"STG\" (the common Japanese abbreviation for \"shooting games\"), is a game in which the protagonist combats a large number of enemies by shooting at them while dodging their fire.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Astro Force",
          "type": "sms",
          "description": "Astro Force is a nod to classic Shoot ’em ups from back in the day. Heavily inspired by Thunder force, RSG, Aleste, Gaiares, MSX Nemesis, and R-Type. Astro Force features 6 stages, 30+ enemy types, and 11 bosses.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""

The category that is selected in the webЯcade player (Categories view) below corresponds to the highlighted category object properties from the feed above. The title, long title, description, thumbnail, and background images of the category are displayed.

Item Object

Item objects within a webЯcade feed correspond to items (games, etc.) that can be launched (played, etc.). Each item object must contain an application "type" property value (the specific emulator or game engine, etc. to launch). The Applications page contains a listing of all of the available applications. The detailed page for each application contains a "Feed" section that includes the application-specific type value. In addition to the application type, item objects may include a title, description, and associated images.


The table below contains the properties available for item objects.

Property Type Required Details
title String Yes A title for the item.
longTitle String No A long title for the item (will be used in locations with additional room for display).
type String Yes The type of the item.

Refer to the Applications page for a list of available applications.

Each detailed application page contains a "Feed" section that includes the application-specific type value (see the NES Application Type as an example).
props Type-specific object Yes The type-specific properties associated with the item.

Refer to the Applications section for the list of available applications.

Each detailed application page contains a "Feed" section that includes the list of available application-specific properties (see the NES Application Properties as an example).
description String No A description of the item.
thumbnail URL No The location (URL) of a thumbnail image for the item.

The dimensions of the image must be 400x300 or it may not be displayed.
background URL No The location (URL) of a background image for the item.


The following is an example of a simple webЯcade feed that includes a single item object whose properties are highlighted.

The item below corresponds to the excellent Sega Genesis homebrew game Omega Blast by developer Nendo. The item has a type of genesis which corresponds to the Sega Genesis Application. The props associated with the item includes a rom value that refers to a Dropbox location hosting the Omega Blast rom file (see Genesis Application Properties).

  "title": "Example Feed",
  "longTitle": "WebЯcade Example Feed",
  "description": "A simple example feed that demonstrates the use of optional properties, multiple categories, and multiple games.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "background": "",
  "categories": [
      "title": "Shooters",
      "longTitle": "Shooter Games",
      "description": "A \"shoot 'em up\", also known as a \"shmup\" or \"STG\" (the common Japanese abbreviation for \"shooting games\"), is a game in which the protagonist combats a large number of enemies by shooting at them while dodging their fire.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Omega Blast",
          "type": "genesis",
          "description": "Omega Blast was created by homebrew developer Nendo. It is a bullet hell shooter in which you have 2 minutes to blast everything you possibly can to achieve the highest score.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""

The item that is selected in the webЯcade player (Items view) below corresponds to the highlighted item object properties from the feed above. The title, type (Sega Genesis), description, thumbnail, and background images of the item are displayed.

Complete Example

The following is a complete example of a webЯcade feed that consists of two categories (Shooters and Puzzlers), wherein each category containing three items (games).

There is also a tab named, "Shortened URLs", wherein the links have been shortened (see TinyURL page). Shortening of URLs is recommended as it reduces the size of the overall feed and mitigates false-positive blocking by simple URL filters.

  "title": "Example Feed",
  "longTitle": "WebЯcade Example Feed",
  "description": "A simple example feed that demonstrates the use of optional properties, multiple categories, and multiple games.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "background": "",
  "categories": [
      "title": "Shooters",
      "longTitle": "Shooter Games",
      "description": "A \"shoot 'em up\", also known as a \"shmup\" or \"STG\" (the common Japanese abbreviation for \"shooting games\"), is a game in which the protagonist combats a large number of enemies by shooting at them while dodging their fire.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Astro Force",
          "type": "sms",
          "description": "Astro Force is a nod to classic Shoot ’em ups from back in the day. Heavily inspired by Thunder force, RSG, Aleste, Gaiares, MSX Nemesis, and R-Type. Astro Force features 6 stages, 30+ enemy types, and 11 bosses.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Blade Buster",
          "type": "nes",
          "description": "Blade Buster is a score attack shmup that comes with two game modes; two and five minutes, each ending with an epic boss battle.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Omega Blast",
          "type": "genesis",
          "description": "Omega Blast was created by homebrew developer Nendo. It is a bullet hell shooter in which you have 2 minutes to blast everything you possibly can to achieve the highest score.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
      "title": "Puzzlers",
      "longTitle": "Puzzle Games",
      "description": "Puzzle video games make up a broad genre of video games that emphasize puzzle-solving. The types of puzzles can test many problem-solving skills including logic, pattern recognition, sequence solving, spatial recognition, and word completion.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Alter Ego",
          "type": "nes",
          "description": "You control a hero who has a phantom twin, his alter ego. When the hero moves, his alter ego moves in a mirrored fashion. In some levels the movements are mirrored horizontally, in others vertically. You can switch between the hero and his alter ego a limited number of times per level.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Skipp and Friends",
          "type": "snes",
          "description": "The object of the game is to move all three characters to the exit in each level. Each player has 2 limited special abilities that you may use to help advance through the level. The in-game status bar displays the name of each ability and how many times it can be used during that level.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Slide Boy",
          "longTitle": "Slide Boy in Mazeland",
          "type": "7800",
          "description": "Slide your way out of dangerous mazes, avoid the obstacles, activate some switches and exit each room before the time run out.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
  "title": "Example Feed",
  "longTitle": "WebЯcade Example Feed",
  "description": "A simple example feed that demonstrates the use of optional properties, multiple categories, and multiple games.",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "background": "",
  "categories": [
      "title": "Shooters",
      "longTitle": "Shooter Games",
      "description": "A \"shoot 'em up\", also known as a \"shmup\" or \"STG\" (the common Japanese abbreviation for \"shooting games\"), is a game in which the protagonist combats a large number of enemies by shooting at them while dodging their fire.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Astro Force",
          "type": "sms",
          "description": "Astro Force is a nod to classic Shoot ’em ups from back in the day. Heavily inspired by Thunder force, RSG, Aleste, Gaiares, MSX Nemesis, and R-Type. Astro Force features 6 stages, 30+ enemy types, and 11 bosses.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Blade Buster",
          "type": "nes",
          "description": "Blade Buster is a score attack shmup that comes with two game modes; two and five minutes, each ending with an epic boss battle.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Omega Blast",
          "type": "genesis",
          "description": "Omega Blast was created by homebrew developer Nendo. It is a bullet hell shooter in which you have 2 minutes to blast everything you possibly can to achieve the highest score.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
      "title": "Puzzlers",
      "longTitle": "Puzzle Games",
      "description": "Puzzle video games make up a broad genre of video games that emphasize puzzle-solving. The types of puzzles can test many problem-solving skills including logic, pattern recognition, sequence solving, spatial recognition, and word completion.",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "background": "",
      "items": [
          "title": "Alter Ego",
          "type": "nes",
          "description": "You control a hero who has a phantom twin, his alter ego. When the hero moves, his alter ego moves in a mirrored fashion. In some levels the movements are mirrored horizontally, in others vertically. You can switch between the hero and his alter ego a limited number of times per level.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Skipp and Friends",
          "type": "snes",
          "description": "The object of the game is to move all three characters to the exit in each level. Each player has 2 limited special abilities that you may use to help advance through the level. The in-game status bar displays the name of each ability and how many times it can be used during that level.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""
          "title": "Slide Boy",
          "longTitle": "Slide Boy in Mazeland",
          "type": "7800",
          "description": "Slide your way out of dangerous mazes, avoid the obstacles, activate some switches and exit each room before the time run out.",
          "thumbnail": "",
          "background": "",
          "props": {
            "rom": ""

This example can be tested by adding a feed with the following URL within the webЯcade player:

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